+ Associates
Affordable Housing Projects

Lion Creek Crossings
Lion Creek Crossings is a joint venture between the Related Companies of California, Oakland Housing Authority, and EBALDC to redevelop a 22-acre site in East Oakland. The project provides 470 new affordable housing units as well as space for Head Start, YMCA, and other community services. The project also incorporated a 5.7 acres park with a new athletic field and restored creek. Luk + Associates served as the civil engineer of record for all phases of the project, including topographic and boundary surveys; engineering studies for on-site paving, grading and drainage plan; on-site utility plan with connection to off-site utilities' off-site street improvement plans; comprehensive planning/zoning exhibits, tentative and final map; and construction documents for grading, utilities, and off-site improvements.
Luk + Associates also designed a newly naturalized box culvert to restore a creek channel, along with design of green infrastructure including shallow swales to limit run-off, and mechanical and landscape-based planters to manage stormwater.