+ Associates
Jackie Luk, Principal, PE, PLS

Ms. Luk owns and manages Luk + Associates. As both a licensed civil engineer and land surveyor, Jackie plays an active role in overseeing all projects. By addressing design constraints at the front end mission planning stage, Jackie ensures that all project progress in an orderly fashion, meet critical milestone dates, and adhere to targeted budget parameters.
On the surveying side, Jackie’s work spans production of the firm’s topographic, boundary, and ALTA surveys; underground utility surveys and aerial surveys; and preparation of tentative and final maps, records of survey, legal description and plat maps, and condominium plans. She manages a team of office and field surveyors known for being highly responsive and having quick survey completion times to meet clients’ aggressive schedules.
On the civil engineering side, Jackie interacts on a daily basis with cities, public agencies, developers, architects and consultants for project design. Since many of the firm's projects are located in San Francisco, requiring extensive coordination with various agencies to obtain permits and approvals, Jackie has developed strong working relationships with the Department of Public Works, Bureau of Street Use & Mapping, the Hydraulic Section, SFPUC, and the Mayor's Office of Housing and Community Development. She is also an expert at implementing C.3 stormwater compliance throughout the Bay Area.
Jackie earned a B.S. in Civil Engineering from the University of California, Berkeley and a B.S. in Geomatics Engineering from California State University, Fresno. She is a Registered Civil Engineer (California #C75724) and a Registered Licensed Surveyor (California LS#8934).